
Domingo, 11 Maio 2008

Leo Zagami — o refractário “Illuminati”?

Filed under: Maçonaria — O. Braga @ 7:24 pm
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Leo Zagami foi um cabecilha de uma loja maçónica de Monte Carlo que desertou e “botou a boca no trombone.” Desde infiltrações na Igreja Católica para a corromper por dentro, até aos rituais satânicos, há de tudo um pouco.

O que Leo Zagami denuncia e que me preocupa, é a “Nova Ordem Mundial” que os pedreiros activamente tentam criar, “nova ordem” que passa pela trilateral, por Bilderberg e pelo controlo do poder mundial.

«”They all work together, including Hugo Chavez who really is helping Bush’s agenda by his theatrical performances,” said Zagami. Chavez is controlled by the Vatican and working with the New World Order as are all other leaders of the world’s major government’s and religions.»

«Zagami challenges his former colleagues in Freemasonry to “go public with your pagan satanic worship and your black magic, you bunch of cowards, that’s what I say to them. The European aristocracy has always been ruled by sorcery and black magic …have always used black magic and evil forces … for domination over their own citizens. They learned these satanic ways from their Masters in Rome who got them in turn from the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Sumerian…its a never ending tale of constant manipulation…of mankind.”»

«He says 666 is everywhere these days: “the Hebrew equivalent of our “w” is the letter “vav” or “waw”. The numerical value of vav is 6. So the English “www” transliterated into Hebrew is “vav vav vav”, which numerically is 666. And you can’t definitely have a business these days without a web site WWW, then we have the video surveillance and last but not least the micro chipping coming up. The micro chipping will be the ultimate Mark of the Beast and will put us fully in the hands of Satan and his evil controllers ready for Armageddon against the Messiah. So we need to rebel before that to help the coming back of the real Messiah.”»

«”All religions are corrupt by the illuminati these days including most of Islam, the Jews, the Evangelical, Protestant and the Born-Again side of Christianity, all ruled secretly by Freemasonry, the intelligence services, the Knights of Malta and last but not least the usual Jesuits so genuine [religious] dialogue is almost impossible.”»

Loucura, impostura, teoria da conspiração ou verdade? Façam uma pesquisa no Google: Leo Zagami. A maioria das declarações de Zagami são, pura e simplesmente, inverosímeis.

A ler : 4/17/08- Zagami Says He’s Back with Satanic Monte Carlo P2 Lodge

2 comentários »

  1. Estou a ver que o Zagami está a dar frutos, pelo menos já falamos dele e do que tem para contar.
    Recomendo que faça uma busca ao nome: Svali, ou passe aqui:


    Comentar por Pontes — Quarta-feira, 14 Maio 2008 @ 9:58 pm | Responder

  2. recomendo os documentarios zeitgeist e illuminati project tambem


    Comentar por andre — Terça-feira, 19 Agosto 2008 @ 12:36 pm | Responder

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