
Sábado, 13 Dezembro 2014

Correcção sobre o papa Bergoglio e “o Céu para os animais”

Filed under: Igreja Católica — O. Braga @ 8:50 pm
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Várias notícias nos me®dia internacionais revelavam que o papa Bergoglio teria dito que os animais também vão para o Céu. Por exemplo, aqui, aqui e aqui, aqui, aqui, aqui, entre outros. Eu próprio “embarquei” na notícia. A verdade é que a notícia foi literalmente inventada pelos me®dia. O NYT, que também fez notícia desse não-facto, publicou uma correcção:

“Correction: December 12, 2014

An earlier version of this article misstated the circumstances of Pope Francis’ remarks. He made them in a general audience at the Vatican, not in consoling a distraught boy whose dog had died.

The article also misstated what Francis is known to have said. According to Vatican Radio, Francis said: “The Holy Scripture teaches us that the fulfillment of this wonderful design also affects everything around us,” which was interpreted to mean he believes animals go to heaven. Francis is not known to have said: “One day, we will see our animals again in the eternity of Christ. Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.’’ (Those remarks were once made by Pope Paul VI to a distraught child, and were cited in a Corriere della Sera article that concluded Francis believes animals go to heaven.) An earlier version also referred incompletely to the largest animal protection group in the United States. It is the Humane Society of the United States, not just the Humane Society.”

Portanto, o seu a seu dono. O papa Bergoglio não defendeu a ideia segundo a qual os animais vão para o Céu.

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